woensdag 19 januari 2011

Youth unemployment heads towards 1 million.

There is a growth in young people without a job. They simply still cannot get a job despite the recession ending a year ago. Youth unemployment has moved closer to the 1 million mark, they could become a lost generation who cannot find work. The sharpist rise was in the number of 16- and 17 year-olds and analysts fear that the youth unemployment crisis will deepen further in the months ahead. Not only in England is youth unemployment a serious problem but it is becoming a global problem, with the number of under-25s out of work worldwide recently estimated at 81 million. Gordon Brown will contact the world leaders to warn them about the issue that could damage the developing world and emerging economies. Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight is saying that umemployment is still likley to rise this year but Ross Walker of RBS warned that employment is showing little signs of recovery, a year after Britain emerged from recession. A lot of people would like to work more than they are able to but numbers show us that employees and self-employed people are working part-time because they could not find a full-time job. The former prime minister is urging the G20 to make youth unemployment a priority.

My reaction:
MyThe new generation should not get ‘lost’ it is important for the economy to recover and make sure that the youth is involved in this process. After a year Britian emerged from the recession you would think that there would be more jobs available but this is not the case and that is very concerning. I think that with the high tuition fees and a lot of unemployment youht they are ruining the future, youth with no jobs cannot afford the high tuition fees and are not able to go to university, this will cause that the new generation is not going to be high educated.

1 opmerking:

  1. It is hard to promote employement. So in my opinion the goverment is able to create some jobs, but does not have enough power to solve this problem. When the market allowes more jobs, there will be more jobs. Untill this time people should have to wait. We already survived the eightees so in the future this problem will solve itself again I think
