vrijdag 26 november 2010

Schools closed as early widespread snowfall hits Britain

In Britain there are forecasts of a cold, white run-up to Christmas. The Met office, which gives the latest UK and international weather forecast, predicts snow and low temperatures right up to Christmas Eve. This widespread snowfall brings joy and misery to Britain, schools are closed because the heating failed, students’ buses slid off the road and caused traffic jams on Teesside, Cornwall, Aberdeenshire and Liverton Bank at Loftus, the busiest areas had been Aberdeen, Newcastle and the major cities along the M62 between Yorkshire and Lancashire, but sledges are flying off the shelves of shops that still have them. The fuel price will be raised in December and some from that money they will need for road clearance. Governments have already taking actions such as buying salt and new machines to clear the roads, and hire people who will clear the footpaths. The snow will continue to fall this weekend and the wind will also continue to blow from a north-easterly direction, temperatures are going down to -5C or -6C in several places. They advise people to drive slowly on roads and put on warm clothing and carry a fully-charged mobile phone.

My reaction:
I want to refer to what happened in the Netherlands last year with the NS. Snow started to fall and our railway system went down and the track got frozen. They were unprepared for the winter and the NS had not really a solution. In Britain happens a little bit the same only it is on a larger scale. When I read that they were going to raise the fuel price I was thinking why they would do that because governments have already tonnes of emergency stocks of salt but there has fallen so much snow that buying new machines and hiring new people costs a lot of money and their will not be a lot of cars on the road when the weather is bad so they would miss some income, so it makes sense that they would raise the price. I hope that we also get a white Christmas and that the snow already coming towards us!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. It seems like heavy snowfall is affecting a lot the UK. I think that it is the correct desicion to close schools because there can be serious traffic accidents if the schoolbusses keep sliding off on the road. I agree with you about the fuel price being raised. Because the government need money to by more salt and new machines to clean the roads so I think it is fair to raise the fuel price.

  2. I do not think it is fair to raise up the fuel price because the December month is expensive enough for most people. I think they will earn enough money now that most of the people can not travel by car and must take public transport.

  3. Raising the fuel price is very smart, in winter most people needs a lot more fuel. I do not think this is fair, December is already an expensive month for most people and I think the government will earn enough with taxes on the holiday presents.
